Free Heart Health Awareness Event
Managing inherited high cholesterol will be just one of the subjects in the spotlight at our free “Love Your Heart” awareness event in Abergavenny on Friday 4 October.
Love Your Heart sponsored walk
Celebrate World Heart Day on Sunday 29 September by wearing something red and joining us for our Love Your Heart sponsored walk at Tredegar's Parc Bryn Bach.
Could you be one of our Expert by Experience Volunteers?
Fancy a fresh challenge? We're looking for class members to take on an important and rewarding role as one of our Expert by Experience Volunteers.
“Love Your Heart” Prize Draw – tickets on sale now!
Our Summer Prize Draw is brimming with great prizes, thanks to our generous donors.
3 advances in heart health you need to know about
Speaking at our AGM back in November, local consultant cardiologist Dr Nishat Siddiqi told us about three developments she believes will have a big impact on treatment for Heart Disease.
Study reveals importance of regular exercise
Research from Italy shows that just 20 minutes a day of moderate to vigorous physical activity can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease
The most stressful time of the year
For women in particular, Christmas can be a source of stress. But how does stress affect heart health, and what steps can you take to manage it more effectively?
Exercising without class
Exercising without class The pandemic came suddenly and, for many, tragically with serious illness and fatality never far away. In this context, the postponement of exercise classes seems almost a trivial concern although I have missed the social side and the group meeting and the cheery mood of [...]
BILL Owen a loyal supporter of our charity and the man who brought Tour de France stars to Wales, has stepped down from organising cycling events.
BILL Owen a loyal supporter of our charity and the man who brought Tour de France stars to Wales, has stepped down from organising cycling events. (The main body of this article was written by Gary Baker and first appeared on the South Wales Argus on the 23rd Dec – [...]
ABUHB Whats Next
Education About What Exercise Is Available Post Phase III for Cardiac Rehab Patients